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Why Litigation

If anything has been proved, it is that the NCAA is both able and willing to settle CTE cases (as in the case of Ploetz vs. NCAA). However, in cases like Davis vs. NCAA, where the NCAA’s actions were clearly the reason for an athletes CTE, the more likely the case will be decided with a jury trial which could establish a precedent that guides both the future of CTE litigation and long-lasting safety in College Football. 


There are a few, simple ways that CTE can be addressed in college football. 


However, To optimally induce long-lasting change, college football and the NCAA must succumb legislative action. Sparking change has always been consistent with legal action, and it is crucial to create activism through legal chambers. 


Recently, the NCAA settled a case in which they are delegating 70 million dollars to those affected. Lawsuits continue today, but the bottom line is that if legislation isn't passed, millions of kid's lives are at stake. 

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